Thursday's Volunteers at the LEAD center are going to have a Bible Study at 10:00 AM by Pastor Bob. "Systematic Theology"
will be the course book. It is a free study.
November 11 (11/11 @ 11:00) 2005
-------------------->Get What You Can!<-------------------------
Some folks do not read the Bible because, they say, there are so many things in the Book that they cannot understand.
It is said that these things which cannot be understood trouble them. Of course these are excuses.
What does one do when he sits down to a Southern-fried chicken dinner, and finds there are bones in the chicken which
he is unable to chew? Does he excuse himself, and say, "I can't chew the bony parts of the chicken, therefore I won't
try to eat any of it?" Hardly. He merely puts the bones to one side and enjoys the edible part of the chicken. Why not
put at least this much effort into Bible reading?
One rescued sinner said, "The fact that I am alive and on my way somewhere really caused me anxious moments, until
I found the answer in the Bible. When I found it, it prompted me to let the shed blood of Christ cleanse me from my sins.
God saved me and gave me the assurance of it, and I began to study the Bible, digesting the parts God's Holy Spirit led me
to understand, and setting the rest aside, until He opened my eyes to the Truth therein. As God showed me the answers, my
worship of Him increased naturally. Oh, indispensable is the Book of books!"